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Mercy Services

Mercy Fortress Ministry is passionate about providing humanitarian services that enable people to lead healthy and dignified lives. We provide an array of services such as:-

  • helping stop migration of illegally trafficked people,

  • providing care and support to raise orphan children from unable parenthood,

  • supporting foreign job seekers with all trustworthy manners,

  • conflict mediation and resolution among various people groups,

  • establishing transitional housing for homeless people,

  • verifying educational agencies for Ethiopians seeking further education and

  • facilitating education for those unable to educate themselves.

  • የምሕረት አምባ አገልግሎት ሰዎቸ ከክብረ-ነክ አኳኋን የጸዳ ጤናማ ኑሮን እንዲመሩ የሚያስችል ሰው-ተኮር አገልግሎቶችን የሚሰጥ ተቋም ሲሆን፣ ከምንሰጣቸው አገልግሎቶች ዋና ዋናዎቹ፦

  • ለሕገ-ወጥ የሰዎች ዝውውር ተጋላጭ የሆኑትን ዜጎች ግንዛቤ በመስጠት ማስቆምና ወደ መልካም ሕይወት መምራት

  • ወደ ውጭ ሀገር ለሥራ የሚሰማሩትን ዜጎች በተገቢ መንገድ መደገፍ

  • ልዩ ልዩ ግጭቶችን በባለሙያ ድጋፍ ማስቆምና ማስማማት

  • ጊዜያዊ የመጠለያ ቤት ለተቸገሩት ማስገኘት

  • በውጭ ሀገርመማር ለሚፈልጉ ወገኖች ትክክለኛነቱን ማጣራት

  • ወላጆቻቸው ሊያሳድጉአቸው ያልቻሉአቸውን ልጆች መንከባከብ

  • ውላጅ/አሳዳጊ የሌላቸው ሕጻናትና ልጆች የትምህርት ዕድልን ጨምሮ አስፈላጊውን ድጋፍ እንዲያገኙ መርዳት

የምሕረት አገልግሎቶች


  1. Transit/airport monitoring:- We are physically on the spot to identify potential victims and victims of human trafficking. We monitor at bus stations, at checkpoints to Addis Ababa, at Immigration and Citizens Services and Addis Ababa Bole International Airport.

  2. Interception:- Our ultimate purpose is to intercept potential victims of human trafficking before exploitation happens. Once we identify a potential victim, we interview her/him to verify whether the potential victim is at risk of trafficking or being trafficked. If the potential victim is with a person suspected of human trafficking, we look for any sort of contradiction during the interview, and intercept the potential victim, accordingly. We exploit our ultimate effort to convince the potential victims about the holistic risk of human trafficking if they are adults, and require family/parents and police intervention for minors. We will work with police to arrest the suspected trafficker, if any.

  3. Sheltering:- Some victims and potential victims of human trafficking need to recover from physical, emotional, psychological and economical trauma they suffered from. We are struggling to do it, notwithstanding that shelter and treating victims is too costly. We are using guesthouses and pensions for as minimal costs as possible whenever a need arises.

  4. Repatriation and reuniting: - Once the victim or potential victim is convinced and intercepted, we recommend joining parents/family in case no sheltering is required. We sometimes financially empower them, when they are wanting to begin a small business, and occasionally give lodging and travel costs when sheltering them is unnecessary. We often accompany the victims or potential victims to reunite with family/parents in case they are minors.

  5. Awareness:- We also work on raising awareness in the community about human trafficking and incorporated risks, from a grassroots level, and work with police, community based organizations, religious organizations and any relevant partakers, to let the community know the evil of human trafficking, and join hands together to end this modern slavery.

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